Dear Fellow Telugu People....
Are the children of today enjoying the traditional upbringing that we had when we were children couple of decades back.. Today parents (WE) seem to be so caught up with what is commercially available and viable, and so technology driven, that we are letting today's children miss some of the things required to keep up our traditions.
I am not talking about leaving the modern ways of life. I am talking about the traditional short stories and the epics that we used to listen to.:) We used to hear lullaby songs against the film songs or English Rhymes that the parents of today sing.
Even we learnt the English nursery rhymes and have experienced a valuable tradition as well which imbibes our values. If we do not take these forward our beautiful traditions can go extinct and after sometime the values of our entire nation will be changed/ lost.
I urge all of us out there we share all the lovely things that we remember from our childhood like songs, games, ways we celebrate various occasions, foods we eat, recipes, how we address each other, the stories, jokes and all those lovely nostalgic stuff.
Let me make the start here, What are the best ways to bring it back.
Keep watching this space, more to come. If you are looking for anything in specific, Let me know. I will fetch it for you. I am looking at publishing several of the things that we all went through.
Ridge Gourd Curry (Beerakaya Pala Koora)
16 years ago